Can article marketing really work to bring traffic to your website? Isn’t it just drivel written by hacks? Doesn’t it take forever to get traffic?
The answer? It depends.
Yes, some articles used in article marketing are downright awful. Grammatically incorrect. Full of misleading or even false information. Rambling. Incoherent. Or dense and packed with too much information.
And, yes article marketing does take longer than well-run pay-per-click campaigns, purchasing online ads, and so on.
But you really shouldn’t ignore it. Done well and done consistently, article marketing can bring you traffic. Traffic that already trusts you. Traffic that is primed to buy. And it will continue doing so long after your pay-per-click or other paid advertising Internet campaign is done.
Paid ad campaigns can be quite costly. If you’re just starting or if your budget is tight (and it usually is when your just starting out), a paid campaign can be out of your budgetary reach. If you can’t spend at least $100 a day for several weeks, paying for ads online may not be in your best interest.
But wait, there’s more: the learning curve to can be steep. You’re going to need to learn:
- local geographic targeting
- keyword selection
- writing ads that get clicked on
- creating a great landing page (the page people go to when they click on your ad)
Can you do this successfully? Sure. But you’ll probably spend a good amount of money before you see results. And it could take a long bit of time before your skills are such that a PPC campaign brings you a good ROI.
Why not spend that same amount of time writing and distributing articles to the free article directories? Write an article a day for a month, then two or three times a week for the next couple of months. You’ll start seeing a good amount of traffic coming to your site then.
The three months you conduct a free article campaign could be just about the same time you spend learning how to do PPC correctly. Three months that you’ve been spending a minimum of $100/day. Meanwhile, your article marketing campaign has cost you nothing!
Don’t stop at distributing your articles. Place your articles on your blog (then be sure to tweet about your blog update and place a notice about it on your Facebook page). Put your articles together as a free e-book/report you offer on your website. This will help drive traffic to your site even more.
Turn to online marketing campaign. Whether you decide to go the PPC route or start an article marketing campaign for your business, we can help. We live and breath Internet marketing for small business and we look forward to the opportunity to helping you see your sales and profits grow. Contact us today!