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23 posts
ZBrush for iPad and new updates for Cinema 4D
Maxon releases ZBrush for iPad, along with updates for Cinema 4D and Redshift.
Eyecandy von ZBrush
Wow, finally something to look at - the new showreeel for the 2023 Zbrush version.
Better particle simulation from Maxon?
With the release of Trapcode 2023.2, particle simulation and 3D effects enter the next (development) round. Faster loading times, performance improvements ... and what else?
Maxon releases ZBrush 2023!
The software developer Maxon (Cinema 4D, etc.) has released the latest version of its 3D sculpting software. One new feature: integration with the Redshift renderer - and what else?
Innovations for the Maxon One product line!
ZBrush benefits from the M1 and M2 processors. Upgrades for the creative tools ZBrush, Forger, Red Giant Trapcode and Capsules are flowing through the pipeline.
Maxon releases Redshift 3.5.12!
The GPU renderer now also supports Intel's Open Image Denoiser. This should shorten rendering times. Realistic fire is simulated with volume multi-scattering.
Maxon releases Redshift 3.5.12!
The GPU renderer now also supports Intel's Open Image Denoiser. This should shorten render times. Realistic fire is simulated with volume multi-scattering.
Maxon presents two beta builds of ZBrush 2023!
At the ZBrush Summit 2022, Senior Creative Director Louie Tucci and ZBrush Trainer Ian Robinson demonstrated the features that are currently being developed, including: revised ZRemesher retopology, Redshift integration and more.
Andrew Hess, art director from New York City, demonstrates how geometries can be raised and collapsed again with Cinema 4D. A video tutorial in 60 minutes.
Defining the speedometer of the future with motion graphics?
John Lepore, Principal Creative Director of Perception, explains what he learnt from the major Marvel production Black Panther - and how this relates to vehicle interiors.
What can the new Cloth Dynamics in Cinema 4D do?
Motion graphics expert EJ Hassenfratz shows what's behind the new Cloth & Rope Dynamics in C4D. A live recording from Siggraph 2022.
Win valuable prizes at the ZBrush Summit!
The online event will take place from 13 - 16 November. In the ZBrush Sculpt Off Challenge, artists will win prizes sponsored by Dell, Gnomon School, Wacom and others.
How are 3D artists developing?
Victor Dimitrov, aka Weight of Thought, explains how to develop as a creative in the desired direction. Victor also explains how loops work in Cinema 4D.
How does Voronoi Fracturing work in Cinema 4D?
Chris Schmidt, founder of Rocket Lasso, explains how destruction orgies can be planned in C4D - breakpoint by breakpoint. A 50-minute tutorial video.
How do you create eye-catching animations – with little effort?
Creative mind Victor Dimitrov, alias Weight of Thought, shows how simple animations can be created - with Cinema 4D and creative will.
How to polish up your creative brand – with C4D and Redshift?
Joey Camacho, a creative with a penchant for visualising technical processes, demonstrates how Cinema 4D and Renderer Redshift can help clients take their portfolios to the next level. A workshop.
Every Monday in October, Maxon will be hosting a part of the five-part webinar on ZBrush. The first is dedicated to pumpkin modelling.
Is Motion Graphics Artist a crisis-proof profession?
Eric Say, founder of the agency Gameday Creative, talks about the importance of the motion graphics industry - and how artists manage look development with Cinema 4D and After Effects.
How to recreate the title sequence from Baz Luhrmann’s Elvis film?
Motion graphics expert Bahnoor Barry shows at Siggraph how artists can recreate the eye-catching lead graphics from the Elvis Presley biopic. A tutorial with Cinema 4D R26 and Red Giant Tools.
The making of the Star Wars short film E-11
Robert Hranitzky explains at the International Broadcast Convention how his unboxing video-turned-love letter to Star Wars came about.
Making-of videos from the Film Academy: “Shine”
At the animago CONFERENCE, the team explained how the animated film "Shine" was created. Anyone who couldn't be there can now catch up on the knowledge via 5 making-of videos.