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23 posts

Maxon releases ZBrush 2023!

The software developer Maxon (Cinema 4D, etc.) has released the latest version of its 3D sculpting software. One new feature: integration with the Redshift renderer - and what else?

Maxon releases Redshift 3.5.12!

The GPU renderer now also supports Intel's Open Image Denoiser. This should shorten rendering times. Realistic fire is simulated with volume multi-scattering.

Maxon releases Redshift 3.5.12!

The GPU renderer now also supports Intel's Open Image Denoiser. This should shorten render times. Realistic fire is simulated with volume multi-scattering.

Maxon presents two beta builds of ZBrush 2023!

At the ZBrush Summit 2022, Senior Creative Director Louie Tucci and ZBrush Trainer Ian Robinson demonstrated the features that are currently being developed, including: revised ZRemesher retopology, Redshift integration and more.

How are 3D artists developing?

Victor Dimitrov, aka Weight of Thought, explains how to develop as a creative in the desired direction. Victor also explains how loops work in Cinema 4D.