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Motion Capture

12 posts

Trash, Dance & Robots

In winter 2021, we decided to make a film as a group of three under the guidance of our professor Jürgen Schopper about a robot whose purpose in life is to pick up rubbish. A lot has happened in the meantime: the robot is now controlled by an old lady and can - surprise! - dance very well. We have spent many enjoyable, stressful and also funny days at the HFF with our robot and the old lady. The original idea resulted in a four-minute animated film. We - three visual effects students (Valentin Dittlmann, Hannes Werner, Felix Zachau) at the University of Television and Film in Munich - developed, realised and completed this film in the course of our first year of study.

Capturing Reality in Houdini

Review: In DP 02 : 2019, we take a closer look at photogrammetry in Houdini. Our Houdini expert clarifies whether this has resulted in a production boost for game developers.

Sleep Tight – A modern horror tale

"From the edge of a forest, the werewolf steps into the moonlight; in front of him lies a small settlement by a forest lake." This sentence comes from an early version of our script. A lot happened from there to the final film. The old-fashioned settlement became a big city, the forest lake became a hill with modern flats and the werewolf became a werewolf. "Sleep Tight" is a homage to the horror films of days gone by, but at the same time it also breaks with convention. Our aim was to capture this dichotomy visually.

Historical Decay

Review: In DP 01 : 2014 game developer Naughty Dog threw its heroes into a post-pandemic scenario with The Last of Us - but how were the lighting, texturing and motion capturing created?

On the hunt for facial expressions

Review: In DP 05 : 2019, we realised that elaborately produced cutscenes in video games are no longer a rarity. In Remedy Entertainment's Alan Wake, MoCap specialist metricminds took care of the characters' facial expressions.