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10 posts

Card game for colour fans!

If you already own the card set for the Datacolor Spyder Checkr discussed in the last issue, you can now extend or replace these cards.
Der neue Input Strip erleichtert die Zuordnung der Quellsignale, in der Fußzeile gibt’s Detailinformationen.

Nobe OmniScope – so far!

Tom Huczek from TimeInPixels must be a very busy man. We have already presented his Nobe OmniScope in detail in DP 21:02 and 22:02, but enough new things have been added to take another look at this comprehensive display tool.

Colourful balls

Review: In DP 01 : 2013, a world-famous manufacturer of sugar water commissioned a commercial from Bent Image Lab. Grading artist Jalal Jemison was responsible for the bright red colour typical of the beverage brand. An interview.

Resolve 10 on tour

Review: In DP 01 : 2014, Resolve 10 went into open beta. We spoke to London-based videographer James Tonkin, who was on tour with Resolve 10 and Robbie Willliams. The perfect topic for the festival season!

Germany in Baselight

A look back: In DP 01:2019, we took a look at high-end grading with Baselight. We also spoke to Rotor Film about HDR material and the Amazon series "Deutschland 86".

BlackMagic Livesessions

If you are already on holiday this week or urgently want to learn Resolve: Blackmagic is hosting free webinars on the individual parts Edit, Color, Fusion and Fairlight!